Got Yourself an Incident?

Information security incidents come in different guises: denial of service attacks, compromised login credentials, malware downloads, lost/stolen devices. Incidents are also reported in various ways: phone calls, emails, Cherwell tickets. Many times, they are obvious. “I clicked a link, and I cannot stop the pop-ups.” “I left my laptop at Starbucks, and it’s gone.” Other times, they are less so. “My system is running slow.” “I think I put my NetID and password in on a suspicious site.”
In general, if you believe sensitive or regulated data is at risk, an incident may have occurred. Patient Health Information, Personally Identifiable Information, FERPA data, government regulated research, and credentials with access to those data types are all considered sensitive. To report an incident (of this or any severity) please contact the ISO immediately. If you are unsure, contact us and we will gladly assist you with the initial triage.
When reporting an incident, please include the following information:
Contact information
Detailed description of the incident (if known, include the data type that might be at risk)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office. 520-621-6700 (Business Hours) or 520-621-2971 (After Hours)