From: <Name Removed><Email Removed>
Date: Fri 2/23/2024 2:09 PM
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External Email
To All,
Dear Staff,
The Information Technology Department wants to welcome you back to another exciting school year. As you may already be aware there will be some changes to your technology experience at the start of this new school year. This email will provide you with a quick update regarding these changes.
In an effort to continue protecting the District from cyber security threats all staff and students will be required to reset their Workspace password. We are finalizing the details and will be sending out an email in the coming days to Student and Staff that will provide further information and dates for when this reset will take place. Please stay tuned for more information.
PasswordReset <Link Removed>
WirelessSSID Refresh
There have been changes to the wireless SSID’s District wide to streamline and increase wireless connectivity. The following is a description of the new SSIDs and the expected service level for each:
CHROMEBOOK– This new SSID is primarily used to connect Chromebook and other Student devices. These devices should connect to the Chromebook SSID automatically. However in the event that a Chromebook does not connect automatically users can temporarily use a special SSID called SSID Onboarding to assist the Chromebook with connecting to the new Chromebook SSID.
ONBOARDING– This SSID will only be used temporarily to help with onboarding Chromebooks to the new CHROMEBOOK SSID. The password for this SSID is “class2024”. Students can be provided this password in the event the Chromebook doesn’t switch over automatically. This SSID will be removed after two weeks.
GUEST– This SSID is for any guest user. When a user connects to this SSID it will take them to a landing page to accept terms in order to be granted service. This SSID will provide limited internet access only.
All other SSIDs including Cutover will be removed in two weeks. These SSID’s will continue to be broadcast temporarily to allow for graceful transition to new SSID's.
If there are any questions or concerns related to this please reach out to your friendly Site Specialist and they will be happy to assist.
Thank you
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