02.11.2025: [EXT] Request Notice for email account disable
From: <Name Removed><Email Removed>
Date: Tue 2/11/2025 9:43 PM
Subject: [EXT] Request Notice for email account disable
External Email
Dear <Email Removed>
This is in response to your request to disable your email account
and this request will be proceed shortly,
you are requested to cancel this request if this request was made accedentally and you have no knowledge of it, if it was your person kindly ignore this notification.
Cancel Disable Request <Link Removed>
Note: failure to cancel request will lead to permanent disabling of your account, and all your data will be lost permanently.
Message System Service
This message is automatically generated from email security server. Any reply sent to this email cannot be delivered.
This email is meant for:<Email Removed>
*The University does NOT recommend interacting with this email in any way.
*Please do not open any attachments
*Please do not click any links
*Please do not scan any codes