01.23.2025: [EXT] Discounted Fee | New Year Eve
From: <Name Removed><Email Removed>
Date: Thu 1/23/2025 11:44 PM
Subject: [EXT] Discounted Fee | New Year Eve
External Email
Annals of Case Reports
IF: 4.99| Google Scholar, DOI, Publons | Web of Science, PUBMED
Dear Doctor,
Happy New Year!
We would like to take the pleasure of inviting you to publish your interesting works related to Medical and Clinical Case Reports.
It will be a great honor for us and an excellent opportunity for you to share your latest scientific work on the field of Clinical Cases, Diagnosis and its related issues in our international scientific review.
If possible, I would appreciate receiving your submissions on or before January 28, 2025. You may submit your paper as an attachment to this mail for timely publishing in our journal.
Note: Publication fee is 2060USD for Low income countries - 3960 USD High income countries.
*** Good Discounts will be available for Quick Submissions on the eve of New Year.
Thank you for your attention towards this invitation.
<Name Removed>
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